In The Blogosphere

Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Holy Father is Getting Tough

I pray that "warning Catholic politicians" is not the last step.  It does nothing but cause scandal and confusion when people see leaders living live that are contrary to the faith they profess.  To be honest I consider that a serious personality flaw which leads me to think a politician is not being honest with me.

Christ never made any compromise.  Holy Scripture has many places where even his disciples found a teaching hard.  Jesus never once compromises His teaching but  made it very clear that to follow Him meant accepting everything, even to the point of giving up all worldly attachments and relationships.  Following Him should mean even if you have to give up some votes and risk the election.

He has warned Catholic politicians who must decide on such issues as abortion, euthanasia and marriage that the faith's values are "not negotiable." And he has closed the door on any relaxation of the celibacy requirement for priests.

Source: Papa Ratzi Post

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