In The Blogosphere

Monday, May 14, 2007

Training for the MS-150

Or maybe this post should be titled 'Lack of Training for the MS-150'. 

I have not been able to get on my bike since April 26th.  On that day I began getting what can only be described as excruciating pain in my left ankle, knee, hip and my lower back while riding.  It was so bad I could only pedal for a couple minutes then I would have to get off my bike or if I could coast unclip my left foot and let it hang.

I went to my Doctor and had x-rays of my lower back to make sure my fusion was still intact.  Those were OK.  I then had a bike fit done at the shop where I bought my bike.  Even after that I still couldn't ride.  So... I now have an appointment at the Boulder Center for Sports Medicine with the famous Andy Pruitt.  It is a medical evaluation but I can't get in until May 30th.  That does not leave me a lot of time to get ready for the MS-150 on July 7 and 8.

Stay tuned....

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