Cardinal Hails Court's Abortion Ruling
Cardinal Justin Rgali is sounding very optimistic about today's Supreme Court ruling. In this ZENIT article he quotes language in the decision that is surprisingly prolife which would give reason for prolife Americans to be optimistic.
I however believe that the opposition has just begun the fight. This is something too important for the Culture of Death to taking lying down.
The cardinal, who is archbishop of Philadelphia, added: "Especially welcome is the court's explicit recognition of certain key facts: that abortion is the taking of a human life, and that government has a legitimate interest in protecting and preserving this life at every stage."
In the quote below he is pleased that the court recognizes the devastating affect that abortion has on many facets of society. I'm sure that he was mindful of the absence of the mention of men and how being involved in the killing of their child may affect them. That may be too difficult of a leap for the court right now as it would strengthen the idea of a family having two parents, male and female.
He further praised the court's recognition "that 'respect for human life finds an ultimate expression in the bond of love the mother has for her child'; that abortion may also cause grief and sorrow for women, which is only made worse when the reality of the procedure has been withheld from them until it is too late; and that the ethical integrity of the medical profession, as well as the fabric of our society, is threatened by the acceptance of practices that are difficult to distinguish from infanticide."
I have not read the text of the actual decision, but I plan on it.
In the mean time the best course of action is still to pray, fast and do penance.
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