Planned Parenthood Caught on Tape Covering Up Statutory Rape – Threatens Lawsuit to Hide Evidence
91% of the facilities that admitted that a crime had been committed agreed to conceal it.
This is where millions upon millions of our tax dollars go every year. It seems to me that even pro-choice people would be disgusted that so much money goes to an organization that looks for ways to break and circumvent the law at every turn. Lets not also forget the number of young lives that are devastated by the encouragement to protect the predators that prey upon them and the torture of the rest of their lives dealing with the killing of a child. Rest assured that if Prolife organizations received that kind of tax support pro choicer's would be crawling all over them to look for behavior like this in order to stop the flow of money.
My heart goes out to the daughter of the PPLA worker that said she would have aborted her! How do you deal with something like that, the daughter and the mother. Oh yeah, by lying and hiding it.
Source: Planned Parenthood Caught on Tape Covering Up Statutory Rape – Threatens Lawsuit to Hide Evidence