In The Blogosphere

Friday, April 27, 2007

Selective Relativism

This is a very interesting article on Relativism, Duh! 

The problem I have with the philosophy of Relativism is that it denies any universal truths, except that is, the universal truth they believe... that everything is relative.  I know it's simplistic but I can't get past the logical error that they make.  They try to prove there is no universal truth by declaring a universal truth.

Link to OpinionJournal - Best of the Web Today

Pope to pay visit to UN | The Daily Telegraph

So, Benedict XVI is going to the UN.  This will be a fun event to follow.  Let's get ready because the Holy Father and the Church are going to be blamed for everything from the spread of AIDS to global warming.  This visit should bring out some of the most entertaining protestors and special interest groups that we have seen in... well since John Paul II visited. 

UN Secretary-General said Pope Benedict XVI has accepted his invitation to visit UN headquarters "at a mutually convenient time".

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Source: Pope to pay visit to UN | The Daily Telegraph

Brain Wave Activity

Today I had an EEG to check out the ole brain waves. The lines were squiggly and not flat so in my book I passed the test.

All this stems from my episode last Easter weekend when I lost memory completely of almost three days. This is the second time it has happened and last time there was nothing physically wrong just like I'm sure is the case this time. Since I have the seizures so frequently they wanted to mainly make sure the medication was holding them in check. Oh well, I lose a nights sleep but I get some peace of mind. That should keep my brainwaves mellow like they are sipping a Pina Colada on a Caribbean beach!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Training Setback

I don't know what is up the last several days but I can't ride my bike more than 25 minutes without getting excruciating pain in my left ankle, knee and hip.  I end up having to "limp" home either getting off the bike every few minutes or if I can coast I can unclip my left foot and let my left leg hang.

This is not good as I was hoping to increase my training days by 1 each week and start increasing my time on the bike to.  I'm set up for a bike fit a week from this Saturday.  We'll see if that helps but if it was something in the fit of the bike I don't think it would come on so suddenly.

Tour de France director Prudhomme praises Discovery team for suspending Basso

There must be some standardization in how the rules of cycling are applied to each team when it comes to doping.  Teams like Discovery that have the will to be ethical should be applauded.  But I wonder if other teams don't take similar stands will the ethical ones simply be drummed out of the sport because they can't compete?

Link to Tour de France director Prudhomme praises Discovery team for suspending Basso - Cycling - Yahoo! Sports

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

St. Louis Archbishop Opposes Sheryl Crow's Appearance at Children's Charity Due to Abortion Stance

Three cheers for Archbishop Raymond Burke! He gets it! It is more important to save souls than have a PC attitude that "This is about helping kids.". Come on, how can a person who claims to be working for kids accept a person who advocates for killing children. And how serious can Costas be taken when he claims to be for kids but wouldn't include a "litmus test" for somebody advocating killing kids. Are these people for real? Are they that ignorant and caught up in themselves that they cannot see the contradiction?

"It's very painful for me," Burke said during a news conference Wednesday. "But I have to answer to God for the responsibility I have as archbishop.

Source: - St. Louis Archbishop Opposes Shery Crow's Appearance at Children's Charity Due to Abortion Stance - Celebrity Gossip | Entertainment News | Arts And Entertainment

Beethoven rolling in his grave!

Well, as many may know in my never ending search to find fun and interesting substitutes for my boring and tedious cognitive therapy I took up learning to play the Recorder. Normally it is used with Elementary school kids to get them interested in learning music.

Well it has proved to be a very daunting task for me. I got a book for kids and it has taken me over three months to get to the point that kids get in a couple of weeks. BUT, yesterday was a milestone!

I made it through the first several bars of Beethoven's Ode to Joy. If a person listens carefully, in a abstract sort of way, I'm sure that at least 2 out of 10 listeners would recognize it as Ode to Joy. I'm even more sure that at least half of all listeners would even recognize some notes and a hint of rhythm.

On the serious side it is so cool to actually play something! It has been a long road getting hear but I've had fun and will continue on with my journey in music.

As far as the cognitive value of my learning it has been far greater than I expected. To learn to read music, keep time, finger the Recorder etc. has taxed my cognition greater than 100 of the word search and 'follow the instructions' therapies my therapists give me. I still attempt some every day, but to work on the Recorder and then have tangible results is incredibly gratifying.

In closing I would like to offer apologies to Ludwig. I promise to do better in time.

Ice Cream Headache

This happened about three months ago...

I created the blog post but I never posted it. Awesome Chick and I were talking to some friends and they said I should post it. So here it is......

I love all kinds of hats, even hats that I'm too much of a stiff to actually wear. I recently bought myself an Australian Outback brand Wax Cloth hat that sort of looks like the one Indiana Jones wears. The only problem was that it was a bit too tight. The large was tight but the extra large was way to big. I came up with this idea to really soak it with water and wear it around and see if it would stretch.

So I'm wearing this hat around the house that I'm keeping so wet water is dripping down my face. I don't know why but I decided to go outside. After a while, I'm not sure how long, the strokes took my sense of time, I start to get a headache. It starts to get really bad like my head is in a vice, so bad I'm getting nauseous. I'm thinking "this is the worst ice cream headache I've ever had".

I literally stumbled into the house, feeling like I was going to throw up. I reached up to grab my hat off my head and the darn thing was not only frozen almost solid it was frozen to my head! As awesome Chick and I jokingly say now I had turned my head into an Australian Outback popcycle. I had to lay on the floor with my head in the sun wondering if I had killed more of what brain I have left.

Well just like when you eat ice cream to fast my head thawed out and I went to our computer and logged onto the 9 News web site to check the temperature. It was only 20 friggin degrees outside!

I usually have these "stroke moments" when I'm alone. I can tell Awesome Chick is a bit concerned about the time when the weather warms up and I trade my indoor trainer in for riding outside.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

If thy scripture offend one of another faith, pluck it out-Comment-Faith-TimesOnline

Yep Dr. Romain is are right, when things get tough to explain lets ignore and change them, even if they lead to the Truth.  Come on that is spiritually and intellectually week.  Dr. Romain has an ally in the Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams.  He wants to change Holy Scripture so that people opposed to and for homosexuality can read the same verse and be happy with it.  Boy when he is judged I will be interested to see how our Lord deals with him if his watering down and manipulation of Holy Scripture causes one person to lose their eternal soul.  Of course Hell is a hard and unpleasant teaching to so maybe we should change that in the spirit of everybody feeling good about everything they do.

Are you serious Dr. Romain that "One of the great puzzles today is why there is so much turmoil associated with faith"?  The reason is the rejection of faith and truth that you and many like you propose. 

Link to If thy scripture offend one of another faith, pluck it out-Comment-Faith-TimesOnline

Gay marriage evil, abortion terrorism: Vatican -

It's astounding to me how Pullella can make it sound as if it is Archbishop Amato and Pope Benedict "coming up" with these truths about evil.  A true Catholic will understand that we must hate the sin and love the sinner (I now that sounds corny but it is true).  But to not call a sin a sin is to not only endanger the eternal soul of the sinner but to endanger the soul of the person who is not educating the sinner.  We cannot condemn our fellow man, only God can do that, but we will be held accountable for our actions, or inactions, that lead to God condemning our fellow man. 

The Vatican's second-highest ranking doctrinal official on Monday forcefully branded homosexual marriage an evil and denounced abortion and euthanasia as forms of "terrorism with a human face."

Source: Gay marriage evil, abortion terrorism: Vatican -

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Is my spell checker anti-Catholic?

I noticed today that the spell checker on my email and blogging clients, both Microsoft products, do not recognize the words:

prolife and Magisterium

However it does recognize prochoice and protestant. recognizes all these words. 

Follow the bouncing doctrine

Source: Rowan Williams says anti-gays misread Bible | Top News | Reuters

This is what happens when you reject a 2000 year old Magisterium, Tradition and Deposit of Faith and break up into 30,000 + denominations that get to make up their own meanings for Scripture.

In an effort to find a solution that is all things to every body involved, Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, could be endangering the eternal souls of perhaps millions of people.

No Fear! (of getting lost)

Yesterday I rode with a friend.  It was my first ride that I was not alone on in a long time.  I know that Awesome Chick was a bit relieved.  She asked John to take me along the same route that ended with me in ' the hood' a few days ago.  I think AC may be a bit nervous about me riding around there.  I wonder why?

Anyway we couldn't identify the specific place that I made the wrong turn at but we found some candidates.  The problem is I could only remember a few snapshots of the previous ride.  I can only remember a few snapshots of the right with John.  We plan on training together at least 1 day each weekend.  That will be nice.  I spend so much time alone I really get excited about seeing family and friends.