In The Blogosphere

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Papa Ratzi Post: Pope says science too narrow to explain creation

Another fact to keep in mind is that it has never been shown that one pieces can or ever has developed into another pieces. This is a huge hole in the theory of evolution.

Additionally I've seen other articles on the same topic titled things like 'Pope says evolution can't be proved'.  Keep in mind there are many things in our daily life that we accept that cannot be proved.

The Pope also says the Darwinist theory of evolution is not completely provable because mutations over hundreds of thousands of years cannot be reproduced in a laboratory.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Danny Dietz and Pericles of Athens

Michelle Malkin: "Danny belongs to the nation"

Danny Dietz Memorial Coverage

“The secret of happiness is freedom and the secret of freedom is courage." ~ Pericles

Thank you Danny Dietz and thank you to your family and thank you to all those who have gone before you!

I live blocks from where the memorial will stand. I will be there when the monument is dedicated. I'll visit it often. If I could I would have it in my front yard. Danny personifies what Pericles reasoned almost 2,500 years ago. Courage, backed by action, not in-action, gives all of us a chance at the happiness and the freedom we desire.

Dietz has helped to ensure that in our great country; people who have ideas or agendas are not required to also have great courage; something Pericles could only dream of. He ensures that people are not required to be heroes simply because they have an idea. Indeed having an idea and getting it heard requires little more courage than to be a bit countercultural. Simple people with no outstanding courage, just ideas, can be heard and make a difference. Danny Dietz helped ensure that.

Don’t the people who would use a monument to Danny's efforts for their own agenda, see any irony in the fact that they perform their act on the shoulders of Danny Dietz? What they do is almost by virtue of the ‘permission’ granted to them by Danny and all the others that have gone before him. If this is about eliminating gun violence, which is a truly noble cause, don’t desecrate or attempt to whitewash from history the people who have given you the opportunity to speak out.

Thank you Danny; that for us to have an idea heard, we don’t have to fear the hail of bullets you endured. Thank you Danny that for us to have an idea heard, we don’t have to endure the bombs going off that you endured. Thank you Danny that to have an idea heard, we don’t have to endure crouching in the dirt in a far off wasteland. Thank you Danny that to have an idea heard, we don’t have to witness our friends bloodied and dying around us. Thank you Danny that in order to have an idea heard we don’t have to decide between our own lives and the lives of our friends and comrades. Thank you Danny that in order to have an idea heard we don’t have to have the courage that you had.

I guess, simply, what I’m trying to say to Danny Dietz and those that have gone before him; I offer you my simple, heartfelt, tear filled Thanks, well done and Gods speed.


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