Catholic Group Wants Marquette Prof. Reassigned
I suppose Daniel Maguire would argue that the Holy Spirit couldn't pass a theology exam. It is the duty of the Churches Magisterium to faithfully and without error pass on and interpret Church doctrine in matters of faith and morals. (CCC 890) Mr. Maguire does not have any protection from error in his teachings. In fact his teachings can be completely false and come from the devil himself and he and no other theologian has any charism of protection from error or inspiration by the Holy Spirit. Come on Maguire, if you don't believe what Holy Mother Church teaches go shopping in the cafeteria and find something that better suits your current flavor of the day.
"I've always felt that candor was the better part of valor," he said. "The bishops are saying they are the only authentic teachers in the church and that all theologians are subordinate to them. But most bishops could not pass a graduate exam in theology."
Source: - Catholic Group Wants Marquette Prof. Reassigned
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