In The Blogosphere

Monday, May 19, 2008 - Vatican Says Prohibition against Gays in Seminaries Is Universal

Well no matter how correct this decision is, and it is 100% correct, it will not be taken well by the PC, gay lobby driven mass media. - Vatican Says Prohibition against Gays in Seminaries Is Universal

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Donohue and Obama advisors scuffle over Catholic identity, abortion

Most people have never heard of this document Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship that Senator Obama's advisory board talks about.  Additionally it is almost impossible to understand for most of us lay people.  It is so vague and even contradictory that many people think almost any position can be supported by it.

When he was in the Illinois state senate he led the fight to deny health care to babies born alive who survived an abortion.

Donohue and Obama advisors scuffle over Catholic identity, abortion

ZENIT - Benedict XVI: "Humanae Vitae" as Relevant as Ever


"The truth expressed in 'Humanae Vitae' does not change," the Holy Father affirmed.

ZENIT - Benedict XVI: "Humanae Vitae" as Relevant as Ever

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

MercatorNet - Consternation in Barad-dûr

As this article implies it is often easy to vote for something when it is abstract and not fully understood.  It is a different story when it affects you personally.  People found it easy to vote for a bond issue to allow embryonic stem cell research.  When it came time for women to sell their eggs and along with it their genetic identity, for possible destruction, it no longer sounded so great.

MercatorNet - Analogy between Lord of the Rings and the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine stem cell research

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Saturday, April 5, 2008

RORATE CÆLI: The continuing eradication of Christianity in Iraq

RORATE CÆLI: The continuing eradication of Christianity in Iraq: "An Orthodox Christian priest was killed by unknown assassins on Saturday in the heart of Baghdad according to Iraqi security sources.

Several unidentified armed men traveling in a car opened fire on the priest as he left his home in the central district of Karrada, said the sources who requested anonymity.

The priest died instantly. The incident took place around 12:00 local time (9:00 GMT) and the assailants escaped according to the same source."

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Having a baby is equivalent to having a sexually transmitted decease Mr. Obama?

So when will be be able to just accept what a candidate says without waiting to hear what the "Spin Doctors" tell us he or she really meant? - Obama’s ‘baby’ comment draws fire from conservatives